Monday, November 13, 2006

Gnarls barkley said it...

... I am living it.
I have a head cold and can't sleep, which means that this week must be a biggie. BING! The heat element under the wok of my life has been turned up to 'seer'. Apps looming, papers due, pages to read, tests in everything, birthdays, friends, work, OSU and Michigan. EVERYTHING.
And it hasn't just been this week, this whole fall has been full of the crazies. Crazy 90 degree highs, crazy teachers, crazy math, crazy football. Both the Browns and the 49ers won yesterday. The 49ers have the same record as Cinci. Crazy.
Speaking of football, everyone is saying that OSU is going to win, and I'm worried that they're going to jinx it.
Life is crazy. Thankfully, I have breathrite strips, Vicks Vaporub and Cary and Co. to help me make it through.


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