Wednesday, March 29, 2006

It just got wireder

Sometimes you are embarrassed about something you do. Like having your skirt tucked into your panties. Sometimes you are embarrassed by something that happens to you. Like when you are 18 and have 15 40-year-old-men looking down your shirt after you get a bad case of poison ivy. Sometimes you get embarrassed for someone, like when my dad burped in church at an inopportune time. Today I was incredibly embarrassed for your neighbors, and their pets.

I drove by and, in the front yard and for all God's creation to witness, the Chihuahua and the daschund were copulating. As soon as I saw it I shrieked and turned my head (and told all the kids in the car not to look), but it was like a breakup at the restaurant where you are eating: I had to look. Not pretty. Their litter will be actual litter.

From a dog wearing a sweater to actual doggy style, my life has taken a caninely bizarre turn. And I don't want to look.


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